Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Digital Audio Voice Ad - SponsoredShout

They say that “suggestions” and “recommendations” of products or services from within your inner-circle of “friends” in social media is the new holy grail for advertising. We typically trust the opinion of our friends. Statistics show that over 90% of us respond favorably to the recommendation of what is said to us by someone we friend and follow. That is a stark contrast to the statistics that say that less than .5 % of one percent of us actually click on a “display ad” within our social networking experience.

The new ShoutOmatic “SponsoredShouts” platform is now available to Brands to address and exploit this new Holy Grail of “word of mouth” advertising.

Three ways for Brands to use the power of ShoutOmatic:

For Brands that already have their existing roster of Celebrity endorsers for current campaigns and projects, we SUGGEST the use of ShoutOmatic to be used by the Celebrities when posting your “endorsement messages” to their Twitter and Facebook streams. If you have built into your contracts that the Celebrity must do a certain amount of Tweets and Facebook status updates, we suggest the use of ShoutOmatic to accomplish that so their Fans and Followers can hear the celebrities actual Voice adding authenticity, sincerity and tonality that is not possible with 140 characters of text
While ShoutOmatic is a FREE platform for the use of recording and broadcasting audible voice tweets and Facebook status updates, we can also, at your desire, offer you special “branded” landing pages for each of the Celebrities’ Shouts for a nominal fee; with choices of skinned background design and display banners.
TIP: If you are going to have a Celebrity to do a Voice Endorsement Shout that gets posted to the celebrities Twitter and social networks, you need to add text to the title to state that it is a paid endorsement. This is easily accomplished by simply putting (ad) at the end or beginning of the text.
We have a growing roster of talent that is available to you for what we call “SponsoredShouts” (Voice Endorsement Shouts) where you would select one or more Celebrities to do ala carte campaigns or full ongoing projects. You have access to our continuouisly growing roster of celebrities found here: http://shoutomatic.com/sponsored-shouts/find-talent/
Plus! You also have available to bid on Voice Endorsement Shouts from the full roster of The Disney Music Group which includes all artists on the Hollywood Records Label.
Please email if we can be of any help or assistance, or to request quotes for a celebrity: brands@shoutomatic.com

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